Carl Camera

Top Five Features of Peg Daily

Many people are discovering Peg Daily the fun and challenging online daily puzzle. While folks enjoy the challenge and fun that Peg Daily provides, they might be overlooking several great features that Peg Daily provides. Here are five of the best features found within the Peg Daily game.

1. Undo and Restart

Here are features that a physical peg solitaire game cannot provide -- backing up. Peg Daily provides an Undo button below the board that allows not just one move backup, but several, all the way back to the original setup for that day's puzzle configuration. Simply tap the Undo button and the board will undo the previous move made. This is helpful if you sense a winning configuration but went in a wrong direction a few moves previously. If you just want to start over from the beginning with one tap, tap the Restart button.


How To Play Peg Daily

Peg Daily is the new online peg solitaire game found at It's easy to play and suitable for all ages. If you want to play Peg Daily, it's important to know the rules and mechanics of the game.

Finding a Game

It's easy to find the current Peg Daily solitaire game. You just need to visit Any modern internet browser is capable of supporting the features and game play. Mobile browsers on phones and tablets, too, are all you need to play Peg Daily. In fact, Peg Daily is designed primarily for phone and tablets.


Introducing Peg Daily

Peg Daily

Peg Daily is a fun and challenging peg solitaire board game that you can play online. It offers a daily challenge for visitors who strive to beat the board each day and emerge victorious. Based on an ancient game, Peg Daily updates the traditional peg solitaire game by offering it online and bringing a new and unique peg solitaire game challenge each day. 

