I've made a minor redesign change to my company site, switching it over from hand-coded ASP to Vine Type. Part of why I didn't do this earlier is that I had flyout navigation in place.
Now with the release of Vine Type 0.98, I can use the $_nav_map template variable where my navigation goes, then employed nickrigby-style css flyout technique (with some Eric Meyer thrown in ) to create the flyout menu. As I add pages, the flyout expands automatically.
In my case, I'm limiting myself to two levels deep (the site is not that large) but with a couple adjustments it could support three or four levels. Take a look! http://vinebranches.com
And I should mention something -- standard nickrigby flyout CSS includes additional selectors so IE will invoke :hover
behavior. Vine Type comes with builtin IE :hover
support (and IE PNG transparency support) in the form of this CSS selector:
@import url(../behaviors/behaviors.css);
So where the nickrigby example shows this...
ul#primary-nav li:hover ul ul,
ul#primary-nav li:hover ul ul ul,
ul#primary-nav li.over ul ul,
ul#primary-nav li.over ul ul ul
{ display: none; } /* Hide sub-menus initially */
...we can remove the references to the class ".over" (that's how Nick invokes IE behavior code) and use only the native :hover
selectors. It's a little cleaner. And of course on my site, I used a div id of "nav" not "primary-nav" so my correlating CSS selector looks like this...
ul#nav li:hover ul ul,
ul#nav li:hover ul ul ul
{ display: none; } /* Hide sub-menus initially */
...and accomplishes the same thing. And of course, every page is valid XHTML.
- NickRigby CSS Flyouts
- Suckerfish CSS Dropdowns
Of all CSS menus, the two you cited are my favorite too.
Hey thanks, Milan! There certainly are plenty of solutions out there. I'm not sure why I gravitated to those two.
Vine Type intentionally over-marks-up its pages so that the designer is given several options on styling. I'm always wondering whether I've done "too much" or "too little." Hopefully these two flyout/drop-down solutions will suit the needs of the designer community.
If not, then there's always the next release!