Carl Camera

Top Five Features of Peg Daily

Many people are discovering Peg Daily the fun and challenging online daily puzzle. While folks enjoy the challenge and fun that Peg Daily provides, they might be overlooking several great features that Peg Daily provides. Here are five of the best features found within the Peg Daily game.

1. Undo and Restart

Here are features that a physical peg solitaire game cannot provide -- backing up. Peg Daily provides an Undo button below the board that allows not just one move backup, but several, all the way back to the original setup for that day's puzzle configuration. Simply tap the Undo button and the board will undo the previous move made. This is helpful if you sense a winning configuration but went in a wrong direction a few moves previously. If you just want to start over from the beginning with one tap, tap the Restart button.

2. Themes

The default board for Peg Daily is a bit bland. It is gray and black and... gray. For those who want a splash of color, Peg Daily peg solitaire game provides several themes for your board including blue, pink, an earth-toned theme called Woodsy, and a special high-contrast accessibility theme for those with low vision requirements. To change your theme, tap the Menu (three lines) button, tap Personalization then tap the theme you like best. Your selection will stick with you until you change it again.

3. Personal Statistics

Peg Daily provides several statistics on users' game play. The statistics dashboard shows users how many games they've played and won, what their current win streak is, and statistics on how many moves and undos they used before finding the solution. To reach the solitaire game statistics dashboard from the Peg Daily home page, tap the Menu (three lines) button, then tap Statistics from the list of sub-menu options.

4. Board Expansion

Does the Peg Daily peg solitaire game board seem a bit crowded on your phone? Perhaps your finger-to-phone-size ratio is making it a bit difficult to tap and drag pegs over one another. One great feature of Peg Daily is providing user customization of peg spacing. To increase spacing to the game board from the Peg Daily home page, tap the Menu (three lines) button, then tap Personalization. Then, under the Board Layout section, enable the toggle marked Expanded. You'll see the current spacing to the right of toggle, and when enabled, those pegs will show the new expanded layout. This setting will remain even after you leave the Peg Daily site and return the next day.

5. Copy to Clipboard

The beauty of Peg Daily is its fresh peg solitaire game challenge each day worldwide. Everyone who visits on a day will see the same Peg Daily peg solitaire game board and everyone gets the same challenge. One of the best features of Peg Daily is the ability to create an image capturing your winning statistics and sharing it with your friends. After defeating a Peg Daily peg solitaire game board, you will be shown a Copy to Clipboard button. To create an image to share, just tap the Copy to Clipboard button. The image is copied into the user's clipboard and can be pasted into a social media post or into a messaging app (even text messages) to allow you to challenge your friends and followers that day. It's a great way to share the fun and stimulation that Peg Daily provides.

Whether you have been playing Peg Daily for a day or a month, it's always a great idea to peruse the menu items for new and helpful features. Peg Daily is growing and evolving with every update to provide a fun and entertaining peg solitaire game challenge for users 10 to 110 worldwide. I hope you enjoy Peg Daily and the features it provides.
